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When someone is struggling with drugs or alcohol addiction, they need to start thinking about how they are going to change their life and start the road to recovery. Learn about the many private and no cost rehab centers!

A lot of people deal with addiction issues and they don’t know where to turn to for help. In many cases, they are unaware they even have a problem in the first place. As is often said, “the first step in getting help is admitting you have a problem.” As soon as someone admits they have a problem, they are headed in the right direction for getting help at a rehab center. They have trained professionals that have dealt with mental health problems, drug issues, and alcohol. 

Inpatient Rehab Centers

With inpatient rehab, they are making a serious commitment to getting help. In this particular case, they need to do whatever it takes to get help. Patients usually decide on rehab after it has started to affect them and those they love. Rehab centers usually do a 30, 60, or 90-day program. It all depends on the special cases.

Inpatient rehab treatment is vastly different than outpatient treatment. For example:

  • Patients do not leave until they have proven they are clean and can stay clean. Even after that, they need to commit to it every single day.
  • They need to go to as many meetings as possible and find a sponsor as well.
As they say, “You need to take it one day at a time.” It’s not an easy process when someone has been so used to doing things a certain way for so long, but if they want to reach recovery, rehab is necessary.

Outpatient Rehab Centers

There is therapy with trained therapists that will give them the guidance that is needed to get them back on the right track in their life. Outpatient programs simply mean the patient will continue living at home while they go to regular meetings at a rehab facility or clinic. They also have other people in groups that are dealing with the same issues, so it's comforting to take part in the program. During these programs, they need to prove they can go back to their normal routine and not be tempted by any type of drug. Outpatient rehab is good for those who can accomplish rehab without needing to be admitted. 

State-Funded Rehab

Government-funded rehabs are out there for those who cannot afford to pay rehab costs on their own. If the patient passes the requirements of the program, they can go for no cost at all. Rehab is a long journey, but it starts when the individual goes to a rehab center. It shows they are committed to getting sober, and are ready to be a better person, not only for themselves but for the people they love as well.

When selecting an inpatient rehab facility be sure to understand the cost of the treatment. Some rehab locations will accept insurance which can make rehab a no-cost option. Be sure to confirm as this varies by location!